Tekken 6 BR Basic Punishment against Lei Wulong

the basic stuff you have to punish, step and duck playing against Lei Wulong
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Tekken 6 BR Basic Punishment against Lei Wulong

  1. devilledevil98 says:

    that Lei is noob you could NEVER beat my faggot ;D

  2. eatmydust2003 says:

    i practise with lei wulong since tekken 3. i control my lei 100%. i can tell you, these tricks are basics and we, true lei masters, dont do stupid things to bring any opportunity for punishing. you cant fuck with us.

  3. DaShonuff says:

    I think it comes down to what moves are abused the most, which moves give Lei the most reward after hit confirming. This is what I think both US and Korean players study actually. It would take an insane amount of time and brain power to memorize every attack and it’s frame, its best to break it down to specifics. Not all of Lei’s combos lead to big damage, it’s best to have an answer to his most obvious attacks and counter accordingly. I think this video does a pretty good job on the specifics.

  4. wurstbrot17 says:

    @sohaila123a thanks thats really nice to hear buddy

  5. sohaila123a says:

    yesterday My friend really hated me for punishing his lei. i told him about your video *_* THANKS bro

  6. DamnKazuya says:

    its nice thanks for telling us

  7. AaronJT6 says:

    @zeokenX Thats crazy.. It would take alot of revising to remember all frames.. I would never have the time to do that lol 😛

  8. zeokenX says:

    @wurstbrot17 And Iam trying to explain to you and you dont wanna listen either! “pulls off your socks” =o

  9. wurstbrot17 says:

    @zeokenX: I never said bryan can JU 3,3 so whats ur problem?

    i tried to explain it to you, you dont wanna know. just stop spamming ok? thanks

  10. zeokenX says:

    Btw,is f+4,2 even on frames? Because I know the f+4 by itself isnt safe,you can tell just by looking at it.PAN version of 4,2 isnt safe either.

  11. wurstbrot17 says:

    “US Tekken players dont remember frames during fights”
    well u dont seem to know what ur talking about^^ of course they do lol

    standing 3 is -14 no matter what. if there are a lot of alternatives standing 3 is will always be -14

  12. zeokenX says:

    @wurstbrot17 Standing 3 for example has variations that could stop Bryan’s Jet Upper cold in his tracks.
    d/f+1,1 shouldnt be done unless you have intent on doing the full string delayed,do a d/f+1 to a b+1+2 stops Paul’s punishment,d+4 to d+3+4 saids hello to Kazuya.

  13. zeokenX says:

    @wurstbrot17 What Iam saying is,its pointless to post punishment because the majority of
    US Tekken players dont remember frames during fights,they fight with moves that go directly into juggles.Only Korea studies frames to a science because they fight with both insane pokes,mixups and juggles which is why they are killing machines in the tournament scene.Majority of the moves you posted have alternatives to evade those punishments is what Iam saying.

  14. wurstbrot17 says:

    @zeokenX: sorry I have no idea what ur trying to say. first u mean it doesnt work against top players then U say we´re not in korea, so what now?

  15. zeokenX says:

    These are only punishable if you abuse them.Lei’s like Suiken and BloodRed that improvise 24/7 with attacks into more attacks that insta crush most punishers are prime examples on how the character is suppose to be used.Hes random and given those disadvantages for a reason,to force a player to take risks.If you wanna worry about frame advantages play a more safe character because posting this isnt gonna make sense to most,lol.Were not in Korea man.

  16. DaemenTheSlick says:

    lei is the weapon to beating eddy or christie due to airbourne attcks from lei, and his drunken master skills…

  17. ShredMan1224 says:

    oh crap.. now I have to change my playing style.. oh well.. XD

  18. azygindahouse says:

    I forgot to comment here, great video, I’ll be sure to learn from this

  19. jacarto says:

    @wurstbrot17 amen to that. That’s why Lei players hate spamming and neverending wall juggles. There’s another ways of fighting.

    “If life drops you to the ground, keep on fighting from there”

  20. wurstbrot17 says:

    @jacarto: yeah indeed. I always try to be an artist playing Lei. you can not solidly “work” with Lei, you got to create^^

  21. jacarto says:

    Good choice with the music. In fact, controlling Lei is a form of ART.

  22. boitahaki says:

    This game looks so great

  23. halfn0te says:

    amazing man

  24. bbok12 says:

    this wont help anyone!!

  25. wurstbrot17 says:

    of course you will after seeing that awesome video!
    my psn is green_Lei I play in europe. add me and teach me

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