Tea Green Tea, Black Tea, Herbal Tea all have some great benefits

The benefits of tea consumption is wide, varied and controversial as our world. Drinking tea daily can be beneficial to anyone’s health; it has no calories, it tastes good and some studies show drinking it can be good for your heart, cholesterol, weight etc.


Health benefits from drinking tea not only come from black, but from green or herbal tea, oolong, white and even yellow tea. Regardless of the type or color, it all comes from one plant, the Camellia sinensis. Camellia sinensis is also known as: tea plant or tea tree, there are also a variety in types of Camellia sinensis which produces the differences in the tea. What mainly makes the difference in the it is the processing of the plant to achieve different levels of oxidation.


Drinking tea daily can provide antioxidants which helps slow down aging and helps with cell regeneration. It also helps protect your bones, reduces risk of heart attack and stroke, may even protect against heart disease, it can lower your cholesterol, aids in digestion, protects against cancer, strengthen your immune system and can lower your blood sugar.


Oolong is considered to be some where between a black and green tea in oxidation. It is the most popular type of tea served in Chinese restaurants around the world. Oolong or Wulong teas have been advertised to promote weight loss. The polyphenol found in Oolong activates certain enzymes in the body to increase your metabolism, burn fat and blocks fat absorption.


Tea can also help with your overall appearance by protecting your smile, it contains fluoride and tannins which help prevent plaque build up and tooth decay. It can also help fight bad breath, the polyphenols in tea can keep bacteria in check. The antioxidants in green tea may have effects on clearing acne.


Not only can tea be good for your body, but it is also a great stress reliever and helps with your mental state. Drinking it can make you calmer, lowers the stress hormone levels, it can help ease irritability, headaches and nervous tension. Tea has also been shown to help with cognitive impairment and improve short term memory.


Tea drinking is not just for the rich anymore, ever person can gain some benefit from drinking tea regardless if you prefer black, green, yellow or white tea, it can help to make you healthier inside and out!


Check out our great selections of teas at http://www.herbalforu.com/teas_herbal_natural.html


Tracey has been using herbal and natural supplements for years and has a wealth of knowledge to share on the subjects. At Herbal for U we promote great companies and their natural and herbal supplies.  www.herbalforu.com

Article from articlesbase.com

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