Impatient Dieter, ImpatientDieter, easywayshow Day 39: Day 2 in the One’s! WOOOO! I’m loving life in the ones! SENNA TEA IS A POTENT LAXATIVE, TO BE USED WITH CARE! I’m posting this in response to all of these emails regarding using senna tea daily as a part of a liquid diet regiment! No, please read the sidebar descriptions on the videos and the warning labels on the boxes. This is a laxative, not to be used frequently. I wanted to account for the extra missing pounds on the scale and slimmer physique, so in the interest of disclosure for this project, I am revealing all things I am using. Senna Tea is something I have used twice and reported on each time. As I have stated in my videos, I drank senna tea twice during my diet and talked about the losses on the scale following each time I drank it: on the Day 12 video and the Day 36 video. I personally used it on the two days because I felt I needed its all-natural relief for the SYMPTOM of feeling backed-up… NOT FOR WEIGHT LOSS, PEOPLE! This is not something to incorporate in your diet; this is to treat a symptom. I specifically uploaded a warning video on Day 13 to explain that the tea was very strong and in fact, still working. I am not advising you to use it; I am not advising you to do anything with this art project. I am reporting on what I am using and disclosing all I am doing to drop the pounds. DO NOT use this often. It is a potent laxative. I am not a professional. Consult your doctor. You may ask: why is she …
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