WuYi Diet Tea – Miracle Weight Loss!


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24 Responses to WuYi Diet Tea – Miracle Weight Loss!

  1. spingelingdingdong says:

    @HmoobNewWave tea shouldn’t make you shit a lot, tea actually does the opposite makes you constipated. If it does make you shit alot, then it’s probably from dirt on the leaves or from dirty water.

  2. spingelingdingdong says:

    Using actual high grade oolong from Wu Yi for something like weight loss would be kind of like drinking a $2000 bottle of wine to get drunk.
    And there is nothing in tea from Wu Yi that is not in tea from anywhere else. It’s the same plant. None of this tea that claims to be from WuYi mountains that is sold for weight loss is from there anyway, even hardcore tea enthusiasts have a hard time finding such tea, and it would never be sold as weight loss or other medicine.

  3. Bubue13 says:

    the video doesnt work somehow. cant watch it for me =(

  4. swastedcat says:

    Hot Hoodia Plus worked for me, i lost 18 pounds and looking forward to lose more.

  5. nightracing11 says:

    yeah right bitch!!! this is your ad!!!

  6. ananavidad says:

    WATCH OUT…there is nothing free about this tea trial if you dont return your product before 14 days are up. READ the terms and conditions and fine print carefully- with the ‘free trial’ it is for 14days of tea only the remainder in your box of 60 you receive will be charged for. You will be charged $59.95 US per month after the 14th day. You will have to arrange cancelling your order and incurring costs to participate in this so called ‘free trial”. Annoyed at being lost in the sea of info!

  7. cvba7a says:


  8. HmoobNewWave says:

    Does dis tea make ppl shit alot? I noe some tea does that.

  9. kungFuGirl01 says:

    IVE TRIED WU YI TEA JUST FOR THE TASTE OF IT its yum and ive known the secret since i was little

  10. jonie1515 says:

    why dont they tell you when you order it that it is loaded with high toxic levels of caffeine when not everyone can drink that shit! I am just pissed I ordered this crap and now can not drink it. They should stop lying calling it all natural when they clearly know caffeine is a toxic at high levels.

  11. 12princessjeffy says:


  12. ixam2tone says:

    Yeahhh Niggahhh !
    yall got off !! 😀

  13. GoodTimeKidzz says:

    lol ey my nigga hit a flip in sock that raw lmao -vcthegreat

  14. luqidfiedopness says:

    that dude in tha blue shirt was like yea i lost my shoe so wat im still killin it!

  15. 15MrHart says:

    dhis really goez ham sub tuh me

  16. adewuyi1 says:

    @15MrHart tool time by young sam

  17. 15MrHart says:

    wats the name of the song

  18. 15MrHart says:

    wats the name of this song

  19. adewuyi1 says:

    @YellowFaceDesigns thankz bro

  20. YellowFaceDesigns says:

    u guys dont even know how tight this shit is, u all r gonna famous.keep up da good work

  21. TheViciousSwaggEnt says:


  22. adewuyi1 says:

    @TheViciousSwaggEnt what speak english

  23. TheViciousSwaggEnt says:

    wear yall niggaz liv and wear yall was wen yall shot the intro

  24. ItSleepyjerkin says:

    U Spelled Fean Wrong

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