Types of Tea : What is Oolong Tea?

Learn about how oolong tea is made and what the benefits of oolong tea are in this freevideo clip. Expert: Nelson Drago Contact: www.chadotea.com Bio: Nelson Drago has been the general manager of Chado Tea Room for five and a half years. Originally from Bombay, India, Drago has an intense passion for tea. Filmmaker: Traci Holsey
Video Rating: 0 / 5

diet-trends.suite101.com Millions op people around the globe are looking for information on Wu-Yi Tea. Sites and blogs are flooded with all kinds of information and even scams.Wu-Yi tea gets its name from the wu-yi province in China where it is widely produced. Wu-Yi in China is geographically very similar to Darjeeling in India and they both are famous for tea gardens producing some of the finest tea. Tea produced in the Wu-Yi province is also called Wu-Yi Tea or Oolong Tea. Benefits of Oolong Tea 1. The Chinese have been using green oolong tea as medicine for thousands of years. Scientific studies show that oolong tea helps in oxidation of fat and thus making the body slim and has no side effects. This way it also helps to control obesity. 2. Oolong tea contains a large quantity of polyphenol that promotes beauty and good health. 3. It is very effective in control of aging, dark spots and wrinkles and thus taking care of skin. 4. Oolong tea is also highly effective in improving both spleen energy-weak and kidney energy-weak symptoms as diagnosed in Chinese herbalism. 5. Oolong tea is effective in preventing tooth decay and atopic dermatitis. 6. It is 100% natural and herbal Useful sites: www.oolongtea.org http www.EasyWeightLossTea.com
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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23 Responses to Types of Tea : What is Oolong Tea?

  1. wallykit says:

    I love Chado tea room!

  2. rockerita1984 says:

    I just bought Oolong tea from a Chinese Herbs Store… we’ll see if works for weight management :c)
    I read a lot of the benefits and i was sold! jajaja

  3. Xavier350 says:

    more info, longer video please, other then that id rate it 4.5 out of 5 good work you have a very nice store too i hope it grows and succeeds.

  4. Thesethlans says:

    Follow the link on the right for more. Oh wait…its not at the right anymore now is it? its below the video. This video is old.

  5. MetalBassjunkie420 says:

    @Felixcastillo I just did what you did too and got exactly what you got and I am drinking 5 teabags in one mug. I don’t know if it has caffeine or not but it taste good.

  6. Felixcastillo says:

    I just bought a box of Wu Yi Tea Bags (66) at a 99 Cents Only Store. I paid 99 cents for it. It’s packed in a fancy box with an inner sheer-fabric pouch, hand-tied with a thin ribbon. There are no health claims on the box but a small, slick brochure inside mentions a “success system,” whatever that means.

    I think it’s actually a good tasting tea, but I wouldn’t pay too much for it. 99 cents is a good price….

  7. chickislove says:

    The tea tastes like liquid shit, sadly. I prefer mango tea. Actually I prefer cocacola (:

  8. kuziamimi says:

    Key word people : PROMOTES… meaning if you’re obese, don’t expect miracle from TEA ! I got a small box of Oolong tea bags at a Natural store for 1,99$ CND … the tea itself is more on the “amber” colour side, therefore not too sure how natural it is but it was written 100% oolong. I will test it out, with a normal diet and excerice to see how it works for 7 days, 2 bags a day. Then I will get the loose leaves at a better store.

  9. Bubue13 says:

    omg! this is my life savor!!! I GROW SLIM ON THIS TEA YEAH!! although my tea is oolong vietnamese type. i love oolong <3 obesity people should try it. obesity is people that r achem... eat alot. sorry, no afence for obesity people.

  10. bedcrumbsmusic says:

    AVOID THESE CON ARTISTS AT ALL COSTS!!! I was sent an e-mail by these thieves offering me a free trial. I was fooled into paying an absolute fortune for p+p and then they started taking money out of my credit card account. I ended up losing £100 ($140) because of these lying, deceitful bastards. Oh, and their tea doesn’t do shit!

  11. omega2me says:

    is really good… u loose like 5 pounds a week but the service of the company is really bad they charge u for everything. but is really good

  12. ganjaking187 says:

    all teas are good for you but i heard if you over do it you can get gull stones. has anybody else heard that too? i think its bullshit theres noway you can get gullstones from tea lol

  13. EsotericAdept says:

    LISTEN TO NattiG954!!!

    Stay with whatever Green Tea you’re drinking, its
    much more effective with better results, and BETTER TASTING!

  14. MrDUKE909 says:

    i have some for sale on ebay

  15. MrDUKE909 says:

    i have some for sale on ebay

  16. deedeepunk says:

    i was gonna ask that, thanks 4 the answer! n_n

  17. andreakeven says:

    lol. u can buy wu yi tea in the gnc for 12.99$

  18. Zhin23 says:

    It is important to understand that the Tea itself is actually quite good for your health. Do yourself a favour and go to a tea house or buy direct from a wholesaler. That way u can enjoy the tea without all the crap that comes with scams. Im a big green tea drinker and honestly i love its health benefits.

  19. omega2me says:

    they even charge u for the email that they send u

  20. loyalqueen says:

    do not do it from any bullcrap sites. its a scam i got sucked in and they kept sending me boxes of tea and charged me even tho i told them to cancel it. than they charged me for web acces and all this made up fees. its bull dont do it if ur gona use oolong tea go buy it from an asian shop or somethin.

  21. NattiG954 says:


  22. rayskd2000 says:


  23. nanodoll says:

    so basically, it’s the same as green tea.

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