Tekken 5 Lei Wulong Combos

Lei Wulong’s Combo video These are not my videos but since they have who they were made by and where to get more of them from I decided to upload them.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Exclusive Trailer courtesy of GameTrailers.com. Shows some of Lei Wulong’s combos
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 Responses to Tekken 5 Lei Wulong Combos

  1. TheKill4time says:

    3 ”t” nin anlamını bılmeden ızlemeyın boyle vıdeolar

  2. PlatinumGeist says:

    @devilledevil98 I Against I. It’s from the Blade II Soundtrack.

  3. devilledevil98 says:

    which mos def song is this?

  4. type1lyle says:

    im a big fan of lei also.. do you have a video on lei’s command list? thanks..

  5. janbetan says:

    how did you do that on 0:45 ? how did you make lei proceed to snake stance?

  6. janbetan says:

    what did you do in 2:49 ? what puch is that? because it proceeds to the snake stance… can you give me the notations of the combos? please… thanks you so much for the vid!

  7. janbetan says:

    i’m practicing lei for now… but i’m having a little difficulty in linking his moves altogether in ways that i want, if possible… [e.g. inputs from stance to stance]

  8. TheThroney says:

    i love lei.. im fighting jinpachi or w.e guy is fricken pain in the ass. so bullshit.

  9. 0gii says:

    really nice vid 😀

  10. WulongLei says:

    Lei is Jackie chan 😀

  11. romeomontague052594 says:

    lei chaolan. lol

  12. 67Stallion says:

    Definitely my favorite character in Tekken, mostly due to the drunken master style. Jackie Chan’s best movie ever! Definitely one of the harder characters to be good at if you don’t know what you’re doing, however.

  13. Nimmie111 says:

    I <3 lei wulong

  14. tinapat06 says:

    good choice of music.

  15. live5230253 says:

    i like the drunk style

  16. khami231234 says:

    beginning is the best part.

  17. FahadRyu says:

    ireally like his drunken boxing.

  18. boitahaki says:

    Lei is awesome

  19. draciel80 says:

    Lei Wulong = Super Cop

  20. CihanEroglu says:


  21. jearela says:

    the song, just search it in imesh : tekken 6 lei wulong

  22. NikeStyler95 says:

    Lei Wulong 4 ever the best.

  23. directorwillie says:


  24. mrmogensen says:

    jugglin is the worst way to play tekken

  25. saltman4452 says:

    Nicely done. Lei Wulong is my favorite character, been playing him since Tekken 3 back in ’98. Thanks for showing me some new combos to try out.

  26. jp3813 says:

    Though Bruce Lee used Jackie Chan as a stuntman in his films.

  27. SID8094 says:

    nice video but i think lei cant beat up law as jackie chan cant beat bruce lee

  28. Leagacyman says:

    Yes and Bruce Lee would win !!!

  29. Leagacyman says:

    Thats very perfect what you say !!
    Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan is the best 4ever !!

  30. xXl3lackyXx says:


  31. SylarGKIW says:

    Character in this game is faster, more agile and there are new techniques and developments. An experienced player who owns him can defeat opponent if he knows everything about this character – tricks, combos and moments of attack.

  32. TheKindplayer says:

    Jackie Quan

  33. TheKindplayer says:

    hehe namco will create donnie yen too.(plz lol)

  34. bayfob925 says:

    0:26 – 0:30

    it’s like Jackie Chan vs Bruce Lee

  35. rds4812 says:

    lei wulong is sick

  36. GeneWoo12 says:

    Lei Wulong = Jackie Chan

  37. mdemoki says:


  38. junyboy5 says:

    lei wulong!!!! my favorite player of them ALL!!!!!!!

  39. RRRapidRapper says:

    @Alchrat I think so, too

  40. JahnosSardonis says:

    Just be fortunate hedoesen’t pull out a chair and a trash bin, THEN he would be impossible to fight.

  41. Alchrat says:

    Lei Wulong = Jackie Chan?

  42. The123456dudu says:

    Lei Wulong and Marshall Law together is the same than Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee together!

  43. MrTrykster says:

    oh man the fun i had with him in Tekken 3…

  44. TotalSprouseFan22 says:

    reminds me of captain falcon lmao

  45. 19Sabru20 says:


  46. HanzelkaDC says:

    Drunken master is the best!!!!!!

  47. boredstudent says:

    in Traditional Chinese, according to Google Translation, his name is spelled 雷武隆

  48. orelc123 says:

    He’s awesome, but I have no idea how to play with him.

  49. bucketOhead23 says:


  50. WerderBremenSV95 says:

    he´s just the BEST!

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