Stop Shedding…Black Tea Rinses

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25 Responses to Stop Shedding…Black Tea Rinses


    OMG!! I tried the tea-rinse as you suggested and it’s now definately a part of my regimen! Thank you sooooo much!

  2. JMicheLLe247 says:

    Hi, I’ve been using these rinses to stop my shedding and so far so good. Thanks so much.

  3. KISSseventyseven says:

    @crazyfashiondoll …LOL… I understand… Yes you can use it too with the same benefits… Only thing I would suggest if your hair is lighter in color to use chamomile tea

  4. crazyfashiondoll says:

    Does this work for white girls? I don’t mean to sound racist or anything, but i havent seen any white girls doing this rinse, and i really want to try it..!

  5. jayajack1 says:

    How often do you do the rinse?

  6. shannonsurreal says:

    @KISSseventyseven oh yeah im natural too

  7. IslandMonster69 says:

    tetly black (*orange pekoe) tea is awesome. i drink it daily.

  8. reprojuben says:

    can you show us how is done
    in a video

  9. WiseChoiceHealth says:

    @KISSseventyseven…will the tea method stop breakage

  10. Sn0opie says:

    do you do this weekly?

  11. da95jmsbae says:

    can you use mint tea

  12. grayshie says:

    Thanks for this I have a shedding problem too !! I will be trying this next week!!

  13. hco323 says:

    Hey i have a question, i use hair one on my hair and it’s a conditional shampoo should i use black tee before I use my hair one or after?

  14. darkangelO1 says:

    Nevermind! I watched the entire vid:)

  15. KISSseventyseven says:

    @sherrosgirl …No it wouldn’t cover gray

  16. KISSseventyseven says:

    @ToffeeChips19 .Yes you can use chamomile tea, white , green tea…. Just make sure that it contains caffiene

  17. sherrosgirl says:

    will it cover grey? lol

  18. vanie0295 says:

    Thanks for the info!!!

  19. dajewel1982 says:

    @leoviolinmusic it does help with breakage (esp if u have been in the sun) when spritzed on hair a couple times a week.

  20. Bigbootyredbone1 says:

    can yu do a vid on how you do it?

  21. MrJerkinboy1 says:

    can you use regular tea or do it have to be black tea and can you use pepperment or green tea and where can you buy glycerin and how do you mix it

  22. dmckin4054 says:

    great video! I have to go and pick up some black tea!

  23. ToffeeChips19 says:

    Hi Traycee. I was wondering if I could use any other tea. Would it work just the same? Because using the black tea. Has made my hair brown!

  24. whitemenaresexy says:

    Thank you thank you thank you. I have a question though I usually use a light protein before my deep condition-so can I do my light protein, rinse, pour the black tea then DC? Or is that too much protein?

  25. fuchadancer94 says:

    i heard that coffee/tea rinses can help boost your hair color also

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