SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man

Now Obama is sending the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) to beat up Tea Party People. So last night in St Louis they beat up a black man who was handing out buttons and flags as a protest against the runaway out of control federal government. President Obama has said that the “tea party patriots” who have questioned his plan for the takeover of health care by the government are using “mob tactics.” Here is a quick video of, SEIU, and DNC using “mob tactics.” We are just a group of grassroots activists that want our elected representatives to have full and open debate on health care reform. In this video patriots our verbally and physically attacked by DNC mob members. At the Tampa Town Hall, a guy was “slapped” by a local Democrat treasurer. Other people were pushed out of the room, just for questioning the health care bill.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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25 Responses to SEIU Attack Black Tea Party Patriot & Tampa Town DNC Slaps Man

  1. wdonw says:

    The seiu and move-on free-loaders are nothing more than G. Soros lackeys and

    like Obumma are the best weapons our enemies have. They will lose!!

  2. libertarian450 says:

    he wasnt a conserative or a liberal. He was a street vendor, making money on what sells…

  3. 4everyoung12 says:

    “Progressives never think things through, if they did, they wouldn’t be progressives.”

  4. RetSquid says:


    You are full of crap, as anyone with an active brain cell can see.

    If you have evidence to support your lies, post it, otherwise go away and stop lying, liberal.

  5. SicZik says:

    @RetSquid You are a typical ignorant Tea-bagger. Lean back, say Ahhh, and don’t talk with your mouth full.

  6. SicZik says:

    @merks1 Phony staged video… One thing you can always count on is that all this propaganda happens right in frame, and somebody runs in with the cheap jacket with the screen printed letters of the group you plan to blame. If y’all are stupid enough to believe this, you are beyond hope. SUCKERS!

  7. HellHammerX says:

    Progressives are Communists, no doubt about it

  8. purplewings123 says:

    Take it to court! This video should guarantee a win. Just do it please!

  9. merks1 says:

    @SicZik another one who can’t accept the facts. 100’s of union workers and left wing activists have been arrested. 1 tea party member fighting back against a soros pet. wake up you are in the minority and unions are finished.

  10. RetSquid says:


    Typical lying liberal.

  11. TheCaliCapitalist says:

    This is bogus you can’t tell what it is happening and no one said the n word. That guy is perfectly fine and he wasn’t beaten. If he weren’t righty no one wouldn’t be leaving these comments.

  12. babblestock93 says:

    The guy on the ground isn’t even the the “vendor.” Poor conservative idiots triumph over themselves yet again.

  13. SicZik says:

    Total Bullshit! The Tea-Baggers were recruiting online to get people to show up at this rally dressed as Union members and start chanting, just as in the video, and then cause trouble for the cameras. This was staged, that is why the “Patriot” was clean cut in white dress shirt, and the “Teamsters” had on brand new jackets, and no real confrontation happened. Lean back and open wide Tea-baggers, and don’t talk with your mouth full.

  14. papavalium says:

    @wrxwagon100 You know a proper response by your kind?…gang beat down, hanging, then burning in fire places. Yes, you are as bad as Stalin and Hitler. Where do you think union thuggery came from.

  15. papavalium says:

    @wrxwagon100 LEFT WING COMMUNISTS like you attack innocent people, that are by themselves.

    Racist Democrats are coming out of the wood works left and right. Guns solves violence douchbag, why do you think fights end when the cops show up you moron!

  16. papavalium says:

    This is why Martin Luther King was Republican and why the KKK was Democrat…I.e Democrat Senator Byrd.

  17. wrxwagon100 says:

    Yes, a gun is typically the response of a tea party moron to any kind of opposition. You offer as evidence of SEIU “thugishness” an old woman GENTLY caressing the face of a fully grown man twice her size, but you think it’s perfectly appropriate to bring assault rifles to public speeches, so you can intimidate your opposition. Anyone with their eyes open sees that the true thugs are and always have been the far right.

  18. abata15 says:

    Yes, Barry, you said it, you instigated this kind of activity. NOT Sarah Palin, NOT Rush Limbaugh.

  19. Rsett10 says:

    @DrBloodyPoo I agree with you.

  20. nero8289 says:

    A pistol is a great answer for these seiu thugs.

  21. tribalscribal says:

    you can’t even see what happened. this post is bogus.

  22. DrBloodyPoo says:

    That fudging sucks, my comment was cut.

  23. DrBloodyPoo says:

    That fudging sucks, my comment was cut.

  24. DrBloodyPoo says:

    Well my opinion is open, but I see tension between Americans. It’s kind of gay and stupid. Why can’t people use logic any more, they all say, you voted for Obama, you just did that because he’s black, or you voted for McCain, your a racist. Why don’t we look at what their about instead of being blinded by color, I mean seriously. We need to grow up. But some people did vote for Obama because he was black and same with McCain. Look the truth is we would been screwed either way. I know this becau

  25. qwertypoiu4321 says:

    Coercive unions are criminal, and people that solicit/aid and abet/initiate them should be charged as such.

    Morgan Reynolds, Power and Privilege: Labor Unions in America

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