Primula Flowering Tea Set with 40-Ounce Pot with Glass Lid

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3 Responses to Primula Flowering Tea Set with 40-Ounce Pot with Glass Lid

  1. M. Keating "Avid Reader-MN" says:
    106 of 107 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Pleasing to both eye and taste, December 11, 2007
    M. Keating “Avid Reader-MN” (Minneapolis, MN USA) –

    This review is from: Primula Flowering Tea Set with 40-Ounce Pot with Glass Lid (Kitchen)

    I purchased this set for my sister who loves tea even more than I do. I loved her set so much I went back and bought one for me! The set includes a lovely borosilicate tea pot which makes it versatile. You can use it in your microwave, but you probably won’t. The heating and pouring of the water are essential elements of the ritual of tea making.

    When you pour the hot water over the hand-tied tea balls, you will witness an enchanting display. The tea balls slowly open into delightful flowers. The pot and infuser are perfectly clear to show off your tea and allow you to easily witness the unfolding of your tea flower. I don’t bother with the infuser because the tea balls shed very little during the brewing.

    Best of all, the tea is delicious. The green tea flavor is robust (through 3 potential infusions) and the jasmine is very subtle. I have since tried other brands but Primula has struck the perfect balance between flavor and beauty. I strongly recommend this set to anyone who loves tea and the soothing ritual of brewing tea.

    By the way, you should try not to boil the water you use for infusing green teas. The flavor will be negatively affected by boiling hot water. Try to catch the water just before it boils. Small bubbles will start to rise. That’s the perfect time to remove the water from the heat and brew your tea.

    Happy sipping!

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  2. Morti Mouse says:
    31 of 31 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Wonderful and Unique Gift for Yourself and Others, May 3, 2008
    Morti Mouse (USA) –

    This review is from: Primula Flowering Tea Set with 40-Ounce Pot with Glass Lid (Kitchen)

    This is a wonderful, unique gift for anyone who enjoys tea, including yourself.

    I initially purchased this set as a Christmas gift for a male attorney I work with who very much a tea person. He absolutely loves the entire concept from the flowering tea balls to the different medicinal benefits of each flower.

    The teas are very flavorful, soothing, fun to watch and one tea ball last sometimes a couple days (we get at least three – four good steeps out of one ball, more if the pot gets emptied quickly).

    The teas can be purchased at Meijer for $11.99 for the same 12 ball canister that comes with the set (they’ve been on sale for $9.99). It took us close to three months of brewing this tea almost daily to finish one canister.

    Tip: The lid to the pot broke, and while you can purchase the lid from the manufacture, the $4.00 lid plus the $8.00 shipping comes to almost half the cost of an entire set. I took a lid from a large Yankee candle jar, removed the plastic seal (the seal holds the scent of the candle), the lid fits perfectly and works equally as well as the original lid, possibly better as it’s heaver. (Any lid from a candle jar about that size will likely work).

    The attorney and our entire office have enjoyed this tea and I too am looking forward to trying the teas iced!

    Enjoy Ü

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  3. M. Marek "happy cook" says:
    32 of 33 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful and unbelievable, September 23, 2007
    M. Marek “happy cook” (San Jose, CA) –

    This review is from: Primula Flowering Tea Set with 40-Ounce Pot with Glass Lid (Kitchen)

    This product is unbelievable. You just drop the ball in the tea pot with boiling water and it will change in front of your eyes into a beautiful flower. It is great and it would be an awesome gift! The tea pot by itself is very nice and it is easy to pour the tea to a cup. It does not leak.

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