Largest Variety of Earl Grey Tea Available at

Largest Variety of Earl Grey Tea Available at

Earl Grey tea from Dilmah.

Dallas, TX (PRWEB) July 24, 2010

Although tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, behind water, many enthusiasts limit consumption to plain varieties. Few realize that Earl Grey is the second most popular type and the number one flavored variety., an Internet retailer, offers the largest selection of Earl Grey tea from brands around the world.

Earl Grey is traditionally a black tea flavored with bergamot, which is a small, pear-shaped sour orange that has a citrus flavor. Today, even green, white and herbal varieties are available in the flavor.

Many enthusiasts are unfamiliar with the large number of companies offering Earl Grey. These international brands offer high-quality varieties easily available in the USA.

With full-bodied taste, Irish teas are increasingly popular. Consumers will really enjoy an Earl Grey from

Barrys Tea of Ireland. Barrys produces a range of high-quality black teas. Barrys Earl Grey is full of taste.

Bewleys Tea is another brand from Ireland that offers an Earl Grey. Available in bags, this variety is again for those that like full-bodied flavor.

Dilmah from Sri Lanka makes single-origin Ceylon teas that are unfamiliar to most people. The company offers different varieties of Earl Grey in bags and loose. Dilmah start with a strong Ceylon tea and then adds a bergamot with a floral flavor.

For a Russian version, try Kusmi Tea, also known as Kousmichoff. Kusmi offers a unique Smoked Earl Grey. Dating back to 1867 Russia, Kusmi offers a change from the standard English tea drinking experience. Kusmi still comes in the distinctive pre-Bolshevik Russian Revolution packaging.

A familiar name to connoisseurs, Taylors of Harrogate is one of the last independent family tea businesses in the United Kingdom. Unlike most other brands, Taylors makes a decaffeinated version for those who want a caffeine-free variety.

A familiar brand, Twinings, according to legend, produced the first version Earl Grey. Twinings also makes Lady Grey, which has a more subtle flavor.

Other unique makers of Earl Grey include Melrose Tea and Madura Tea. Melrose makes a Scottish variety in the Scottish tradition. Madura produces an Australian version.

About is an Internet retailer offering tea brands from around the world. offers teas from such companies as Barry’s, Bewley’s, Dilmah, Lyons, Punjana, Scottish Blend, Taylors of Harrogate and more.


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Green Tea, Oolong Tea and Black Tea


From past until present day, Chinese people have divided tea leave from different variety species that they are grown, the harvesting period and the process which kept secretly depending on regional.

.Type of Chinese tea is generally known:

 1 Green Tea

2 Oolong Tea

3 Black Tea

 From these three types of Tea. Chinese Tea are also divided into various types such as

 – White Tea.

– Yellow Tea.

– Blue green Tea.

– Red Tea.

– Purple Tea

 The above types of tea mentioned, people hardly know about, because they do not produce industrialize.

 So, let’s find out about Green Tea

 Chinese Green Tea is unfermented. When a tea leaf has been collected, workers will dry the leaves on the grill and blow with hot air about 40-50 degrees Celsius to reduce moisture from the leave. Normally, they allow 30% of moisture remaining in the Tea leaves, and at the same time destroying enzyme in tea leaves prevented fermentation. This process can take up to10-18 hours depending on the tea leaves.

At the mean time, workers should stir tea leaves to make tea sieve release the moisture equally. Some Tea factories get rid of moisture by using hot air, however, this depending on the need of their customer order, such as customers from Japan. Why Japanese like tea leaves that reduce moisture by hot air steam, because the heat will stop the enzymes in the tea leaves as a result of stopping fermentation. So, the will get very dark green tea leave. The leaves will be selected and roll, then it will be roasted in a pan by hand, the heat should be no higher than 50 degrees and roast until the moisture left only 3%. To roast Tea leave, worker must have high skill and patience.     


After been collected from the plant, Tea leaves can not keep long. Nowadays, good quality of green tea can be kept not more than two years. If the moisture content over 2-3% will be more opportunity to be deteriorated.

 How about Oolong Tea?

Oolong (Oolong or Wulong) tea is no different than other Green Tea, during the harvesting. However, the difference is the process. Compare with Black Tea, Oolong tea is in the middle of the process between green tea and black tea. Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea. Letting the substances that contained in tea leaves to interactions with air fermentation is a technique of each factory and depending on the type of tea leave. When tea leaves had been collected, the leaves are withered on the shade for about 5 hours, then pan-fired for 10 minutes, rolled and twisted.

The leaves are then oxidized to determined color. The fermented leaved are reheated in an hour on loss shape basket for 3 hours to stop oxidation. They are pan-fired again over lower heat for up to 12 hours before packing.

 Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea, nice green color, good taste and price is expensive, however, Oolong tea could be very bad taste. The price of per kilogram can start from a few hundred dollars per kilograms to several million dollars. So, when buying tea leaves, never let the name to be confused. Remember that Oolong tea is not always all good.

 Why do we called Black Tea?

 Black Tea is fully fermented. The harvesting and pan-fired processes are not much different from Green Tea or Oolong Tea. The difference is that when fermented tea leaves will be left to ferment longer until the leaves are dark and get strong taste. In the past, the Chinese were travel and trading with various provinces, specialty with Mongol people who live up North. When they travelling form one place to another place, the Chinese drinks tea on a regular basis. So, during the journey they always keep tea leaves to drink. The preservation of fermented tea leaves start to occur, in order to store the Tea leave easily and not to waste space. Therefore, they compressed tea leaves in to small pieces. These compressions are called Brick Tea, because it is like a brick. When they need it, breaks in to small piece just enough for drinking each time. This Brick tea is has strong point can be used as currency in the trade such as some tribal people who trade with China, did not except the Chinese currency. Today the importance of brick tea has gone out. Leave just the original history of black tea and decorated in the Cabinet. If the brick tea made from tea quality and well maintained, the value will increase and  price will be high, if it rarer as can comparable to best wine.

Try our best organic Green Tea Product which powerful antioxidant and get health benefits of green tea are for symptoms like headaches, body aches and pains, digestion, depression, immune enhancement, detoxification, as an energizer, and to prolong life.

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Wu-Yi Tea – Natural Weight Loss and Good Health!

Wuyi Shan, this type of tea is more familiarly known as oolong or wu long, and today, it is gaining more and more attention as a natural way to effectively lose weight.

The complex fermenting process of creating this type of tea gives it different, yet distinctive flavor, and like fine wine, wu-yi will also vary in aroma and fullness. Described as robust, and not much unlike coffee with its rich, roasted flavor, this type of tea has recently been touted by many as a natural, safe answer to weight loss.

The Natural Fat Burning Qualities of Wu-Yi Tea

A substance found in wu-yi known as polyphenol is also found in green and black teas, but in a lower concentration. Polyphenol stimulates a biological process called lipolysis, which simply means the break down of fat cells. The polyphenol causes this by activating certain enzymes that work to dissolve triglycerides (fats) in the body, which in turn, raises the resting metabolic rate actually making it easier to lose weight and control excess pounds.

According to case studies regarding the tea and its fat burning properties, participants were able to lose an average of 10 to 15 pounds of weight by drinking three to four cups of wu-yi per day. Of course, the actual amount of weight lost will also depend on the types of food you eat and how much, as well as your level of physical activity. However, results do continue to show the tea seems to speed up the weight loss process when drank on a regular basis.


In one particular study, three groups of 120 Japanese women were asked to drink either water, green tea, or wu-yi after their meals for six weeks. At the end of the study, the women who drank wu-yi reportedly increased their energy expenditure, or raised their metabolism, by as much as 10%, whereas the green tea group increased their expenditure by only 4%. The group who drank water experienced no increase at all.

Wu-yi tea is most effective for burning fat in its natural form, without any unnecessary ingredients or additives, as the natural components of the tea itself are all that’s needed to reap the benefits.

Some Other Health Benefits

Besides naturally burning fat, speeding metabolism and aiding with weight loss, wu-yi tea also provides many other valuable health benefits that have been clinically researched and documented. In addition to protecting the body’s cells from certain types of cancer, the tea has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, as well as strengthen the bones, and protect the teeth from plaque and decay.

With several hundred years of use dating back through many ancient Chinese cultures, the positive health benefits are hard to dispute as more and more people discover the connection between weight loss, good health, and drinking wu-yi tea.

For information and a real life case study, you can view Wu-Yi Tea Results [] This blog documents real results from using wu-yi tea over a two month period. Check out the Wu-Yi Tea [] blog and see the amazing before and after photos!



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Black Tea : What Is Black Tea?

Black tea is the most processed of all the teas made from the tea plant. Learn about black tea with tips from a tea lounge owner in this free tea brewing video. Expert: Kim Pham Contact: Bio: Kim Pham has co-owned the Kaleisia Tea Lounge in Tampa, Fla. since 2004. Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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Oolong Tea Diet to Lose Weight?

When you are trying to lose weight you will often try anything and many of the things that you do try will fail. If you need to lose weight then it is often a change of lifestyle which will achieve the weight loss. You should cut back on caffeine and fizzy drinks and change to alternatives like the oolong tea diet, this tea has shown to help with weight loss as a controlled diet.

Tea plants produce different types of tea depending on how the leaves are processed and which one you prefer is entirely your choice. The oolong tea is processed differently to other teas and the leaves are picked from the plant and left to oxidize. The leaves are left in conditions which are monitored and controlled to ensure they are being processed correctly. Oolong tea has a very distinctive taste which is established from the leaves being bruised and tossed which will make them oxidize better.

The oolong tea leaves will be left for a period of time cooled down and then bruised again, they are never intentionally broken up. If the leaves are broken then they are discarded and the process began again. The tea leaves need to be in a full condition with the cells intact before they begin the roasting process. Oolong tea comes in different strengths and how long it is left to roast will determine how strong it is. Tea has been proven to have many great health benefits and can help you to lose weight and increase your energy.


Caffeine is excellent at increasing your metabolic rate and helps you to burn fat quicker this is found in oolong tea in higher quantities. Also the tea is very beneficial for you and your health it can reduce your weight and then help you to maintain the weight so it stays off. There have been many studies into oolong tea and over a six week period people who drank the oolong tea had a larger amount of weight loss. The oolong tea will also increase your energy levels by 3% and this will result in you burning more calories a day.

Although the oolong tea doesn’t look like normal tea as it is far darker than other types you can enjoy it hot or cold. Many people claim it is very similar to very strong tea with a green tea taste and the tea is very pleasant to drink. You can find several different varieties including oolong tea from Thailand, Africa and China. When you make your oolong tea you should allow it to sit for at least 4 minutes before straining it and the leaves can be brewed several times before they lose their taste.

This Diet Can Help But is it The Answer For You?

You can find oolong tea leaves in many good health shops and tea shops and if you drink it often then buying it in bulk will be advised. You will be amazed how much weight you can lose simply by trying the oolong tea diet. It is a perfect alternative to other types of tea and coffee and can be a great way to start the day.

While it helps, there are some other diets that are better.

Instantly See This Diet I Like Better Than the Oolong Tea Diet.

Fred Ewing writes about diets and other health related subjects.


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lillypad dance =]

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