Mt. Wudang – Wu Long Gong & Training Ground.wmv

Take a look to some beautiful Training Grounds at wudang shan as well as our training ground at the wu long gong – five dragon temple … enjoy the beauty of this place!

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8 Responses to Mt. Wudang – Wu Long Gong & Training Ground.wmv

  1. TheMartialartsJedi says:

    it looks like a really nice place to train, i would love to go there

  2. Jubeski says:

    deja vu’

  3. theAJview says:

    This is where the wu tang clan gained their inspiration for music:) look up there songs, house of flying daggers would be a place to start

  4. shantabhakta says:

    Greetings…This is very exciting–a preparation for the future ! Appreciation and Kind Regards.

  5. schwihi says:

    Sehr schön. Dazu hatte ich grad noch Grünen tee aus Wudang Shan :-) fein. Danke Ismet

  6. BossKazVersion1 says:

    @youlihan awesome. i look forward to it. from all your videos, your master clearly knows what he’s doing. i’ll definitely consider visiting him if i get the chance =)

  7. youlihan says:

    @BossKazVersion1 …. hey thanks for ur comment… the webpage is on in a couple of days… :) greetings

  8. BossKazVersion1 says:

    beautiful place. i’ve been to wudang before and i’d so love to go back at some point. though, the website at the start of the video, wudang-xuanwu(dot)com, doesnt seem to exist yet

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