Gay Black Tea Partyer Harassed by SEIU Activists at Denver Rally

A gay black tea partyer was harassed today by SEIU activists at a SEIU rally in Denver, Colorado.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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25 Responses to Gay Black Tea Partyer Harassed by SEIU Activists at Denver Rally

  1. Madfoot713 says:

    Conservatives are the real liberals.

  2. EconCat88 says:

    Die liberals.

  3. ArizonaSean says:

    @dogsiter4567 PLEASE, whowould want racist, homophobic, skinhead firefighters and teachers????

  4. HyperBorealOperator says:

    @dogsiter4567 lol make sure to stick your bananas in your ears and close your eyes real tight when you say “I know you are but what am I, na na na boo boo”.

  5. dogsiter4567 says:

    @ArizonaSean Ok then no we don’t need teachers, firefighters etc. no of course fucking not

  6. dogsiter4567 says:

    @HyperBorealOperator No republicants are.

  7. ArizonaSean says:

    These union thugs are a bunch of racist, homophobic skinheads. They beat up bystanders, protestors, and news reporters. No more money for these ignorant, uneducated Americans.

  8. NatureScout says:

    Fist off the real problem here is that the poster finds it necessary to describe anyone as black and gay as if either of them mattered. Second the tea party guy crossed a police line dividing the two sides to pick a fight with a the pro-union supporters so he walked into that group to harass the pro-union folks. This video stops before showing the police removing him back to his side and third the editing is ridiculous.

  9. tf8252 says:

    @evanWith7 Or is he in the top 1% of earnings because he’s not the type to seek a job that rewards only time of service rather than hard work and ingenuity? Both my grandfathers fought for union rights as coal miners in NE PA. I’m in favor of collective bargaining for private employee groups, I don’t support “union welfare” at the taxpayer’s expense.

  10. tf8252 says:

    Jackohoft, when you use a word like “harassed” to describe this civil exchange of ideas you just stoop to their level.

  11. regemo says:

    @qpwillie I don’t want to make it a black-white issue thing. But it’s a fact that many many issues have not been considered to be important “American issues” when they are only affecting blacks, or hispanics. Republicans have had this narrow viewpoint for decades. The thing that I can respect about many democrats is that they can accept and acknowledge issues affecting the black community and not wait until they start affecting other groups before they consider them to be “American issues.”

  12. regemo says:

    @qpwillie The housing bubble is non partisan. Although Bush was a huge supporter and enabler of it. But that’s not the point. If you look at many charts you will see that it began heavily affecting blacks years before people started bringing it up in the news.

    Blaming youth when they become single mothers is not wise. It’s more the culture. But again it’s an issue that was not covered in the mainstream news and tv shows until it started affecting middle class whites.

  13. regemo says:

    @qpwillie There was very little attention paid to poor school districts until black children could be legally bused to wealthier public school districts. This new integration caused a new spotlight on poor public school districts. A new “American issue.”

    Gun control on the law books has a history of targeting the poor and minorities. For example Reagan’s administration enacted gun laws in response to the black panthers carrying weapons in the 80s. This stuff is easy to find in wikipedia.

  14. regemo says:

    @qpwillie Your opinion on HIV is exactly how republicans felt in the 80s before it started to affect them. HIV doesn’t care who you are, what race you are, how much money you have, or how religious you are. If you have sex at all then you are vulnerable. The funny thing is that republicans and Reagan didn’t give a damn about HIV awareness when it was only affecting they gay community and the black community. But when it started spreading outside of that area they took quick action.

  15. pbcrisps says:

    @loonmaniac Some Christians say that. Conservative does NOT equal Christian. Do you understand that sentence? You’re just another brainwashed idiot.

  16. Crucible0Patriot says:

    The only defense they have is devoid of any logic. Union bosses have not and will never produce productivity vs. wage or industry dominance while under union rule. Why? Because unions destroy and at the least stifle innovation or initiative. Try changing a production cycle to accommodate a new innovation. If your shop is union….you can’t. It will stay the same until you “COLLECTIVE BARGAIN” to make the change. At that point your non union competitor has you by the balls. FACT!!

  17. Crucible0Patriot says:

    SEIU….Count the days bitch…..American citizens are on to you. Your best bet is to evacuate to another more defensless country like Mexico.

  18. CubanExile says:

    LIBERALS Run and HIDE we are coming . . .

  19. Rsett10 says:

    Liberals think they own African-Americans. The lady says “why do you vote against your own best interests?” like SHE knows what’s best for this black man.
    You know what lady, he is a unique individual with his OWN BRAIN, and can decide who to support and how to vote.

    The Democrats don’t know what’s best for minorities. You don’t own minorities you INTOLERANT LIBERAL GOONS

  20. evanWith7 says:

    He said he’s in the top 1% earning bracket.

    There you go.

    THAT is the reason he’s backing the tea party. Not because he’s a “patriot” as that idiot motto proclaims, but because the greedy disgusting rich don’t want to pay any taxes.

    It’s a blatant assault on the middle class, and the majority of the tea party are just suckers. Turkey’s at their own Thanksgiving.

  21. loonmaniac says:

    Republicans make exceptions for some gays like dyke Tammy Bruce and Rush Limbaugh who likes to fuck young boys after taking Viagra that is not his.

  22. adriannikos says:

    @MrHellawicked What principles does your magical unicorn stand on?

  23. MrHellawicked says:

    I love how Republicans act like having a Gay, black man on their side is like this magical unicorn. lol, this video is so stupid. What is even the point? Talk about grasping for straws.

  24. tarfpir says:

    @HyperBorealOperator Yep, totally agree. Could you please abort yourself, now. Please please please. . . .

  25. LowOIL says:

    @doomsoth who says “conservatives are against gay rights”

    Odd I thought conservatives were actually against giving gays rights above everyone else… For example: Gays already have the right to marry opposite sex just like everyone else, they want extra rights to marry the same sex. Gays want extra rights in hate crimes, but they are already covered by laws to protect people from being physically harassed. Gays want quota systems for hiring, most folks now just want to be hired.

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