Fighting Beauty Wulong Opening

Opening/Intro of “Fighting Beauty Wulong”
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Tekken 3: Lei Wulong ‘s Theme
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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27 Responses to Fighting Beauty Wulong Opening

  1. Ikeban says:

    “Kimi no Ai ni Tsutsumarete Itai” by Yuka (U-ka) Saegusa

  2. MichiruGolden says:

    name of this song pls

  3. betrapvideos says:

    gosh this makes me think of on cloudy/wet/rainy day in Europe in 1997 for some reason lol

  4. JOE126ful says:

    Cheng Long-成龙

  5. JOE126ful says:


  6. FallenFromGrace90 says:

    Capcom vs SNK 2 – Wipe Out

  7. mikeycoop1 says:

    @Namriu94 i know right!

  8. SolidMike84 says:

    Also with Bryan Fury – Roy Batty (Bladerunner)

  9. 357Sneak says:

    Bryan Fury – Terminator
    Bruce Irvin – Mr. T
    Mokujin -(Training dummy from Jackie Chan movie)

  10. w4vezf9a says:

    One guy got his ass kicked by Jackie Chan.

  11. SolidMike84 says:

    Paul Phoenix – Chuck Norris
    Baek Doo San – Steven Seagal
    Raven – Wesley Snipes
    King & A.King- Tiger Mask & Black Tiger
    Marduk – Goldberg
    Jack/Jack 2etc – The Guvenator

  12. 212killah says:

    someone hates jackie chan

  13. MONO4444 says:

    Does anyone noticed that a part of this theme is a part of the song “steam” from east 17? Its in the beginning of this song.

  14. bja808 says:

    Lei obviously has the best theme in Tekken 3!

  15. 23viktor23 says:

    next to hwoarang on of the coolest in the tekken series

  16. ZooBuddyDoo says:

    I always thought Michelle and Lei would have made a nice couple.

  17. ns14green says:

    Forest Law = Bruce Lee

    Lei Wulong= Jackie Chan

  18. ramiz10494 says:

    I like him coz i like jackie chan

  19. nintendoboy17 says:

    In terms of cops in fighting games, Lei Wulong >>> Kurtis Stryker (A Mortal Kombat character, but still).

  20. Namriu94 says:

    @mikeycoop1 how ( currently getting pwnd by god rugal in capsnk2eo , lol )

  21. Namriu94 says:

    @hbk2221 yun vs feng would be epic ( considering the similar style and appearance ) but lei and dan have nothing in common other that they both are Cantonese

  22. Quemaine1000 says:

    There always has to be that 1 gay dislike on every nice theme

  23. mikeycoop1 says:

    Sounds like ?capcom vs snk 2

  24. hbk2221 says:

    @strykah92 Dude what are you talking about? I’m talking about the right matchups.


  25. strykah92 says:

    Did you just compare the best video game cop of all time to the jobber of Street Fighter?

  26. MrVendetta210 says:

    best game ever loved playing this when i was little

  27. adamsjay212 says:

    Damn you know how many times i see”lei wulong= jackie chan”? damn we know!!!

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