Black Tea Party Leader at Beck Rally

BECKAPALOOZA: How about a little satire with your tea? Campus Progress’ Sara Haile-Mariam speaks with Michael Warns, black tea party leader.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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25 Responses to Black Tea Party Leader at Beck Rally

  1. thomaserossi says:

    Liberal Fascism at its finest!

    Hate, attack, blame, lie, deny – Liberalism 101

  2. gnomesrule19 says:

    @TheCaliCapitalist Why? Do you actually think that more state patronizing will help black people? Or dumbing down their educational standards will somehow bring them success? The conditions of blacks have always improved under conservative legislation and administration. Reagan for example cut their unemployment in half and increased their middle class by a third during his time in office. Also this woman is an idiot (and dishonest) for interview a single person, claiming that he is a typical.

  3. mostdopekids1 says:

    seems like a great black for a kkk rally

  4. thirdshift47 says:

    –“Was Jesus socialist?”
    –“When you go to a party ofcourse you gone give everybody somethin’ to eat.”
    God dayum!!!!

  5. TheCaliCapitalist says:

    Any black person who would attend a tea party is either self hating, unaware, or has lost their marbles.

  6. PSTripler says:

    I ROFLd when she showed him the pic of keagan or whatever

  7. unclesmrgol says:

    @joshatkins94 Fake statistics don’t impress me.

  8. fredlockful says:

    he’s a special person

  9. 4everUSNavy says:


    how is he a phyco because he knows more about important things than you

    or the fact he is on the right wing and knows what he is talking about.

    face it your liberal and so you are the pest of the world

  10. QUITAUNIT says:


  11. QUITAUNIT says:


  12. QUITAUNIT says:


  13. getDun2012 says:

    @SoFlaPatriot u fuckin cocksucker

  14. Michaelwarns says:

    wow!! they did a whole video just for us!!

  15. g29662 says:

    I’m Black and I was there and I saw a lot more blacks there in the area where I was located. With as many people attending, there is no way that you could have seen them all, believe me! For instance, I had no idea Michael was there…I had recently become familiar through his website. I would have loved to have met him.

  16. Koopgeminikiller says:

    @SoFlaPatriot did i ever fucking say I’m defending alll democrats.. no! Atleast most democrats aren’t fucking insane immoral nut jobs who don’t know shit about their own country or the ones we’re at war with! most conservatives don’t know a dick from a door knob

  17. SoFlaPatriot says:

    @Koopgeminikiller lol at you. The average democrat voter makes Michael look like Stephen Hawking. You want to see really ignorant people? You should have talked to the folks leaving Al Sharpton’s astroturf rally on 8/28. They had to bus them in because I doubt any of them could operate a car.

  18. Koopgeminikiller says:

    This is the epitome of the tea part intelligence!!!!!! And logic and reasoning of average tea party people! Hope you morons love what your breeding LOL! Most ignorant party EVER

  19. Koopgeminikiller says:

    @SoFlaPatriot no but this resembles the intelligence of the average tea party moron! LOL this is sooo funny it should be shown nation wide to show how dumb the tea party is and how brain washing it is! Your all just so backwards its unreal. Most ignorant group to ever be in AMerica besides racists. YOU ARE COMPARABLE TO THE KKK! You are fucking either brain washed or absolutely insane! THIS IS YOUR AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE OF A TEA PARTIER

  20. Koopgeminikiller says:

    self hating dumb fucks! THESE PEOPLE ARE SOOOOO LOST ITS SERIOUSLY QUITE FUNNY! LOL holy shit! PROOF THAT ONLY IGNORANT RELIGIOUS FUCKS ARE BRAIN WASHED! This is one of the craziest things i’ve ever seen!!!!!

  21. yosafeisreal says:

    FIrst of all who is god and secondly, GOD SAID CARRY YOUR WEAPON? WOW , I thought he teached against weapons form by the hands of man.

  22. unclesmrgol says:

    @Waranle Ah the old “they do it too so why can’t I” defense. Two wrongs make a right. Shouldn’t you be out looking for a job rather than looking for ways to get inside my wallet?

  23. Waranle says:

    @unclesmrgol Lol how about yo ask before you make stupid assumptions white boy?, the majority of people in USA who live on hanouts, WHITE SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE REDNECK PIECE OF SHIT. And have a scientific study that were made.. what do they do all days? lol Watch porn :)

  24. unclesmrgol says:

    @CentristRevolution There are probably a lot of really good interviews that wound up on the cutting room floor. You have to look at the politics of the interviewer to understand. Again, if his was the worst, — hell, I can do a lot better than that at the local Democratic Club meeting.

  25. unclesmrgol says:

    @Waranle Classic response from a guy who likes his handouts.

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