Bigelow Tea Variety Pack, 8 Flavor Assortment, 64-Count Boxes (Pack of 2) Reviews

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3 Responses to Bigelow Tea Variety Pack, 8 Flavor Assortment, 64-Count Boxes (Pack of 2) Reviews

  1. James U. Taylor Jr. "Jim Taylor, Jr." says:
    4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    was even better than i expected, February 17, 2007
    James U. Taylor Jr. “Jim Taylor, Jr.” (Chicago, Il USA) –

    for the price i only expected one box, i ended up getting one case. i still have left overs, for other gifts. i lvoe the assortment. everyone i gave them to raves about them. GREAT GIFT and GREAT TREAT!

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  2. Sandy says:
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Mom loved it :), July 29, 2010

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Bigelow Tea Variety Pack, 8 Flavor Assortment, 64-Count Boxes (Pack of 2) (Grocery)

    I purchased this to be sent to my mother as part of her gift for her 80th birthday as she is an avid tea drinker and from what I was told by those there, the teas were the hit of the party :)

    Great assortment, and always great quality from Bigelow.

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  3. Robert Fisher says:
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    very nice, March 25, 2010
    Robert Fisher (California) –

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Bigelow Tea Variety Pack, 8 Flavor Assortment, 64-Count Boxes (Pack of 2) (Grocery)

    Very nice and a good selection especially if you want variety with out buying high quantities all at once.

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