Bigelow Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)

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3 Responses to Bigelow Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)

  1. Kurt A. Johnson says:
    10 of 11 people found the following review helpful:
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    Excellent, August 28, 2006
    Kurt A. Johnson (North-Central Illinois, USA) –

    This review is from: Bigelow Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) (Grocery)

    R.C. Bigelow, Inc. was begun in 1945 by Ruth Campbell Bigelow, a tea connoisseur who wanted to offer even more taste opportunities to American tea drinkers. Among the teas that Bigelow presents is their wonderful Green Tea. Green tea is now very popular, due to its antioxidants and other health benefits.

    Overall, I found this to be an excellent hot tea, with a wonderful smell and taste. But, that’s not all: Bilgelow’s Green Tea also makes a great iced tea! So, if you are looking for a delicious and healthy green tea, one that tastes great hot and cold, then get this one! I highly recommend it. (By the way, check out the interesting recipes on Bigelow’s website!)

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  2. buru buru piggu says:
    7 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
    3.0 out of 5 stars
    A very bland and uninteresting green tea, November 29, 2009
    buru buru piggu (New York, NY USA) –
    (TOP 500 REVIEWER)

    This review is from: Bigelow Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) (Grocery)

    Bigelow Green Tea is available everywhere in American supermarkets, but it’s just not a very good green tea. It produces an amber-colored brew that lacks the crisp tannin flavors that should be in quality green tea. With the prominent drawing of Mount Fuji and distinctive Shinto torii (Itsukushima, a UNESCO world heritage site) on the box, you might think this is Japanese green tea. It is not. No information is listed on where it is grown, except that it is “packaged and blended in the USA”.

    Green tea is very good for health because of the abundance of catechins and flavinoids (antioxidant compounds) and has half the caffeine of black tea. Good Japanese green tea produces tea that is clear pale yellow-green, or very dark green, depending on the tea grade. These helpful chemicals, however, get mostly destroyed during roasting. Catechins are also responsible for the bright aroma and astringent taste of green tea, which is lacking in this product. With its brown leaf particles (see my photo comparison in gallery) and resulting brown liquid, Bigelow is more like hojicha, a roasted green tea. The flavor is very thin and I have to use 2 bags per cup of tea.

    A much better quality tea is Kirkland Signature Green Tea Matcha Blend, 100% Japanese Tea Leaves, which is surprisingly good for a tea sold in non-specialty supermarkets. It is made by Ito-En, one of Japan’s biggest beverage makers. I first heard about it because it is the tea used by staff at the Japanese Embassy in DC.

    As for directions, the ideal temperature for green tea 70-80°C, NOT boiling (100°C) as the product description recommends. Sugar is seldom added to green tea, though it is frequently enjoyed cold.

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  3. MikeMar1955 says:
    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Great tea be aware of the packaging, February 11, 2009

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: Bigelow Green Tea, 40-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) (Grocery)

    I have been drinking bigelow tea for five years and enjoy the flavor. The 40 count packages include ten packages with four tea bags in each rather than one per package. I drink two cups a day and the teas is still fresh on the second day. When exposed to air the tea will lose its flavor. So, if you only drink two or three cups a week look for packaging with one tea bag per package.

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