teaonlineshop.com Ahmad Tea of London draws upon knowledge and experience gained from three generations of family activity in all areas of the tea trade, from plantations to blending and packaging. The name of Ahmad Tea is synonymous with the very finest teas. The company was established with the belief that our reputation must be founded on the quality of our teas. The commitment to quality remains today. It is reflected in the image, branding and packaging of the entire Ahmad Tea product range and has led to sales in more than seventy countries, spanning across five continents teaonlineshop.com
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Video Rating: 5 / 5
@africazbeauty1on1 #omg I def. forgot about the tea rinses. smh.
loool!!! when u sed u did it wrong, i thought nah mate ‘she drank it?!’ lool! glad 2 see i was wrong!
splinta24 on youtube did a cute style with a flat twist and a high pony/puff/twist out thingy lol
i think it would look great on you!
@KinkyCoilyLani exactlyyy.
I am definitely there with you on loving stretched hair but not wanting heat damage. I’m hoping to find a happy medium so I can just leave my hair alone during school lol
@LoOoViNlYfe08 hell no
@mophead70 I just used this random 100% black tea from target. the brand is market pantry.
Hi, i want to try the black tea rinse. What kind of Tea did u use?